
For centuries, wealthy individuals and families in the UAE have sought to serve humanity and promote the well-being of society through their philanthropy. In particular, the family’s philanthropic work is a reflection of its deep-rooted identity and values, and part of its generational legacy through which it aims to make the world a better place.

In particular, charitable work can bring families closer together, which enriches the lives of its members and strengthens ties between generations. So, if you are looking for a service where your investments achieve financial returns and a positive impact on society. Abu Dhabi Investment Group provides you with charitable services, as a unique opportunity to align your financial goals with your humanitarian and charitable values. Through this service, we work closely with our clients to integrate charitable giving into their investment portfolios. So whether you’re passionate about education, healthcare, environmental conservation, or any other goal, we help you direct and invest your money in a way that aligns with your interests. Through our specialized team, we provide comprehensive research and integrated care in everything related to the charitable work in which you wish to invest your money, to ensure that your donations have a tangible impact. At ADIG, we work to revive your legacy and charitable mission by preparing a special strategy aimed at creating a positive and meaningful impact. Our consulting services help you formulate a detailed strategic framework that seeks to create a meaningful impact and a lasting legacy.

We strive to provide strategic advice and the best governance frameworks to help our clients achieve their mission. We also help you define the desired legacy, mission statement, and giving and investment guidelines that will guide your philanthropy on the right path to achieving goals.

We also provide comprehensive consultations on all legal compliance requirements for various means of donation, such as donor-advised funds, private foundations, and charitable funds. So whether you are at the beginning of your charitable journey or on your way to it, we join you on the journey to preserve the continuity of your legacy and enhance its positive impact.