  • Aug 20, 2019
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Warning Message: important information to protect public from fraudulent activity against (ADIG).

Dear all, as you are aware that there is another company using our company’s name (ABU DHABI INVESTMENT GROUP- ADIG) for fraudulent purposes. With regards to this, the Financial Services Regulatory Authority (FSRA) of Abu Dhabi Global Market (ADGM) has issued an official alert on the fraudulent scam to the financial services community and members of the public. Our company, ADIG has also issued an official alert for the same on our official website. I would appreciate it greatly if you can all kindly read the two official alerts as per the links mentioned below for your reference and understanding. ADGM FSRA ISSUES ALERT ON FRAUDULENT INVESTMENT SCAM AND WEBSITE: https:/ website/ ABU DHABI INVESTMENT GROUP website: Thank you and best regards.