Aligning Generational Goals, Managing the Day-to-Day

Our approach to wealth management is collaborative, insightful, and focused on helping you make powerful decisions. Our specialized Wealth Management team, with extensive experience advising and servicing a diversified client base including sovereign wealth funds, governmental entities, family offices, and high-net-worth individuals, offers tailor-made investment solutions & integrated services to our clients.

Our Wealth Management Services Encompass a Range of Professional Financial Services Tailored to Individuals or Families With Substantial Assets, And It Aims To:
1- Financial Planning:
Wealth management begins with a comprehensive assessment of the client’s financial situation, including assets, liabilities, income, expenses, and financial goals. Our inancial planners work closely with clients to develop personalized strategies to achieve these goals, taking into account factors such as retirement planning, education funding, estate planning, tax optimization, and risk management.
2- Investment Management:
One of the central components of wealth management involves managing investment portfolios. Our wealth managers analyze clients’ risk tolerance, investment objectives, time horizon, and liquidity needs to construct a diversified investment strategy. This strategy typically includes a mix of asset classes such as stocks, bonds, real estate, commodities, and alternative investments, tailored to achieve the desired balance of risk and return.
3- Portfolio Monitoring and Rebalancing:
Our wealth managers continuously monitor clients’ investment portfolios to ensure they remain aligned with their financial goals and risk tolerance. They may periodically rebalance the portfolio by buying or selling assets to maintain the desired asset allocation and risk profile, especially in response to changes in market conditions or the client’s life circumstances.
4- Wealth Preservation and Estate Planning:
Wealth management services often include strategies to minimize taxes, protect assets, and facilitate the transfer of wealth to future generations. This may involve structuring investment portfolios to optimize tax efficiency, utilizing trusts and other estate planning vehicles, implementing insurance strategies, and coordinating with legal and tax advisors to develop comprehensive estate plans.
5- Risk Management and Insurance:
Our wealth managers help clients identify and mitigate various financial risks, including market risk, inflation risk, longevity risk, and unexpected events such as illness, disability, or death. They may recommend insurance products such as life insurance, disability insurance, long-term care insurance, and liability insurance to provide financial protection and peace of mind.
6- Wealth Enhancement Strategies:
In addition to preserving and growing wealth, our wealth management services may also include strategies to enhance clients’ overall financial well-being. This could involve optimizing cash flow, maximizing employee benefits, minimizing debt, and taking advantage of tax-efficient investment vehicles and retirement savings accounts.
7- Client Education and Communication:
Our wealth managers play a vital role in educating clients about financial matters, helping them make informed decisions, and keeping them informed about the performance of their portfolios and any changes in the economic or market environment. Clear and transparent communication is essential to building trust and maintaining successful long-term relationships with clients.
Below, you can read more about the most prominent wealth management services that we provide at ADIG:

ADIG’s advisory services provide a comprehensive approach to preserving the legacy of family offices (offices managing wealthy families). Whether you are creating a new family office, separating an office from the family business or enhancing the functions of an existing office, it is important to ask how to secure your family’s financial future and legacy for future and future generations. At ADIG, we provide advice and services seamlessly during all stages of development and implementation, with the aim of preserving On legacy and focusing on its sustainability across generations.
ADIG Family Office Advisory Services focus on supporting your office, strengthening its role and helping you achieve your family’s goals and objectives. This integrated approach enables us to uncover and capitalize on hidden opportunities and risks that could hinder your business.

The advantages of our family office management services lie in:

  • 1- Heritage and Asset Organization: Our Family Office Service helps organize family assets and heritage, including real estate, investments and family businesses. This helps avoid chaos and complications that may occur when there is no clear arrangement of assets.

  • 2- Maintain confidentiality and privacy: Our family office services have the ability to maintain the confidentiality of family information and assets, providing privacy and security for individuals.

  • 3- Tax and Financial Planning: Our family office provides tax and financial planning consulting, helping wealthy families reduce taxes and improve money management.

  • 4- Guidance and Support: Through our family office services, we provide guidance and support to individuals and families in making sound and sustainable financial decisions, based on the family’s personal goals and values.

  • 5- Generational management: The family office helps organize the generational management process, including appointing heirs and defining roles and responsibilities within the continuity of the family business.

  • Our family office advisory services professionals have the depth of skills, knowledge and experience necessary to achieve a high level of service quality. We adopt practical and systematic practices that ensure a sound control environment and assist in regular risk assessment.

    We take pride in being a trusted advisor to the largest family businesses in the United Arab Emirates.
    Our Advisory Services Cover All Family Office Business Requirements, Including:

    • Establishing and setting up a family office.

    • Strategic planning and design.

    • Risk assessment and financial planning support.

    • Technological support.

    • Governance services.

    • Administrative services.

    What We Offer:

    • Consulting services for business expansion using our global network of regional specialists and strategic partnerships with foreign governments and sovereign nations.

    • Structuring and managing the family office, where we work to provide a comprehensive and integrated approach to help our clients structure and preserve wealth for future generations, through strategies of strategic direction, operational management, organization, and study of tax and legal requirements.

    • Providing strategic advice and the best governance frameworks to help our clients achieve their mission.

    • Special purpose investment vehicles centered around your personal investment objectives and investment strategy.

    • Access global research by product, industry, region and specialized market studies.

    • Communicate with our specialized investment advisors 7 days a week.

    For any high-net-worth individual looking for somewhere to invest a portion of their money, a hedge fund is the logical choice. As these funds are very profitable investment tools when managed carefully, and to do this, hedge fund managers use a number of trading strategies by providing access to the best-performing hedge funds and fund managers in the world, and investment opportunities in exclusive closed-end soft hedge funds, and this is our strategy in ADIG.

    We believe that hedge funds play an important role in your investment portfolio, not only for returns, but also for portfolio diversification and risk management. Drive your company forward by choosing Abu Dhabi Investment Group as your trusted partner for premium brokerage. With cutting-edge technology and dedicated support, we can offer tailor-made solutions to suit your needs - including execution, warehousing, liquidity and risk management services.

    Working closely with specialist fund teams and dedicated analysts across our private banking partnerships, we apply disciplined and ongoing review and due diligence, both quantitatively and qualitatively, against each fund. We understand your long-term investment goals, and help and advise you to choose the right hedge funds that will provide attractive long-term risk-adjusted returns, for unparalleled returns and access to the best-performing fund managers.

    Family businesses are the backbone of the UAE economy. Where families can be a source of strength and achieve the unity of purpose and long-term vision that helps drive the business. While the combination of family and work can also create a definite set of challenges. ِADIG’s services in this sector cover a range of special financial advisory services in which we help family-owned companies to make the most of their features and continue their success. Our specialists can provide guidance on a wide variety of needs, including tax planning, estate planning, retirement planning, insurance planning, and portfolio management.

    In addition to many different types of financial services. Here are some services to name a few:
    Financial planning:

    we understand your financial situation, your family’s business needs and goals, and your personality type. We help you in assessing your risk tolerance (how you will care for the money that belongs to you), developing realistic objectives (what you want to accomplish), building a plan on specific strategies that work for your family business, and monitoring that plan’s effectiveness.

    Retirement Plans Services:

    we advise on all aspects of retirement plan design, including funding strategies, distributions, rollovers and transfers between plans, and the best use of legal entities for plan administration. We also assist in effective wealth transfer planning by providing an analysis of the impact of business valuation, estate taxes, and income taxes.

    Insurance Services:

    we help our clients understand the many aspects of insurance, which include term life insurance, whole life insurance, universal life insurance policies, long-term care insurance options, health insurance, and disability insurance. We plan for your family’s business needs in case of a loss of income due to a death or accident. Provide an explanation of the types of permanent life policies available. Review your existing policies and recommend changes if necessary.

    Tax Services:

    we can help you with tax planning strategies to keep your taxes low. This may include incorporating your business, converting a salary or bonuses to deductible distributions. It may also include making nondeductible contributions to retirement plans if it makes sense after considering the impact on income taxes and coordinating your tax planning strategies with your financial planning strategies.

    Financial Forecasting and Analysis Services:

    we provide our clients with Financial Forecasting and Analyses Services to better understand their financial situations, and we plan for the unexpected, like sudden losses of income or family emergencies.

    Some of man’s greatest achievements have been achieved through one simple philosophy: "Borrow nothing". We treat private banking and wealth management in the same way. Through our range of banking services, we aim to help you achieve your financial goals in the fastest and most efficient way possible. With a deep and fundamental understanding of your needs and accurate investment guidelines. We have a specialized team capable of implementing and managing your goals, by creating investment or financing solutions or a dedicated family office for you.
    Where our private banking account services are more than just traditional banking services for deposits and loans, we reach everything our customers need, from private banking, investment to financing, investment, family and estate planning needs and / or international financing requirements. We support private banking account customers every step of the way in developing, planning and managing their own wealth in a way that enables them to achieve their financial goals.

    Our Private Banking Services:
    • An exclusive private banking service

    • Our private banking service makes it simpler to manage your money, leaving you more time for what matters to you. As a private bank, we can help you manage your money from day one. As a wealth manager, we can manage your finances over the longer term.

    • 24/7 investment advice and support.

    • Financing and leverage solutions tailored to meet your short and long term financing needs.

    • Investment finance solutions available against both portfolio and external assets..

    • A comprehensive approach when assessing the private and commercial needs of our clients.

    • Foreign Exchange Services.

    For centuries, wealthy individuals and families in the UAE have sought to serve humanity and promote the well-being of society through their philanthropy. In particular, the family’s philanthropic work is a reflection of its deep-rooted identity and values, and part of its generational legacy through which it aims to make the world a better place.

    In particular, charitable work can bring families closer together, which enriches the lives of its members and strengthens ties between generations. So, if you are looking for a service where your investments achieve financial returns and a positive impact on society. Abu Dhabi Investment Group provides you with charitable services, as a unique opportunity to align your financial goals with your humanitarian and charitable values. Through this service, we work closely with our clients to integrate charitable giving into their investment portfolios. So whether you’re passionate about education, healthcare, environmental conservation, or any other goal, we help you direct and invest your money in a way that aligns with your interests. Through our specialized team, we provide comprehensive research and integrated care in everything related to the charitable work in which you wish to invest your money, to ensure that your donations have a tangible impact. At ADIG, we work to revive your legacy and charitable mission by preparing a special strategy aimed at creating a positive and meaningful impact. Our consulting services help you formulate a detailed strategic framework that seeks to create a meaningful impact and a lasting legacy.

    We strive to provide strategic advice and the best governance frameworks to help our clients achieve their mission. We also help you define the desired legacy, mission statement, and giving and investment guidelines that will guide your philanthropy on the right path to achieving goals.

    We also provide comprehensive consultations on all legal compliance requirements for various means of donation, such as donor-advised funds, private foundations, and charitable funds. So whether you are at the beginning of your charitable journey or on your way to it, we join you on the journey to preserve the continuity of your legacy and enhance its positive impact.

    Structured products allow you to deal with a variety of asset classes within carefully defined risk schedules. Structured products are non-standard financial instruments that can be tailored to meet your needs. Different investment terms are associated with a variety of securities included in structured products, as these products give you complete flexibility of choice, while enjoying guaranteed capital protection. ADIG’s structured products allow you to benefit from some market insights, and reach specific markets that no other product can reach.

    It also helps you achieve various goals, such as protecting your capital while achieving relatively higher returns at the same time. We have designed products structured in such a way that they can be tailored to the different payments, markets, sectors and risk profiles of the underlying asset groups.

    At ADIG, we have dedicated structuring offices within our private banking partnerships, comprising teams of highly experienced financial engineers, with whom we work closely when formulating and executing investments around a complex set of investment criteria for each client. It is through the use of the banks’ own screening algorithms that we are able to find the best underlying investments for any given scenario.

    Whether you are looking to increase the return on a deposit, want to participate in a directional view, or are looking for equity securities. Whatever your goal, our structured products can be an effective tool when executed with precision.