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Investment Banking

Human progress takes money and ideas. But more times than not, the people with the money aren’t the same ones with the ideas. Having a mound of cash and no creative ideas only creates a mound of money. Meanwhile, an entrepreneur with all kinds of dreams can’t even break ground if there’s no cash to break ground with Investment banking has been mankind’s solution to pairing up the people with money and the people with ideas. The combination of money, and entrepreneurship is a dynamic marriage that’s behind some of mankind’s greatest accomplishments. Investment banking has financed ’round-the-world trade expeditions and built railroads and bridges. Given the great role investment banking plays in the financial system, it has taken on a larger-than-life mystique with the masses. Many people suspect that investment banks are pulling the strings of the economy, but they may not know enough to realize exactly what investment banks do. Get ready to take a peek into the private and important world of investment banking through the article below.

What Investment Banking Is?

If you’re like most people, you probably figure investment banking got its start in a towering office skyscraper in New York City. But the real story of the origin of investment banking is far less metropolitan, yet arguably even more interesting Investment banking traces its roots to the age of kings and queens, Many of the most commonly used financial instruments trace their origins to centuries ago when bankers navigated the edicts of rulers and, believe it or not, religious leaders. But for now, just know that investment banking is, at its very core, pretty straightforward. Investment banking is a method of controlling the flow of money. The goal of investment banking is channeling cash from investors looking for returns into the hands of entrepreneurs and business builders who are long on ideas, but short on bucks. Investment bankers raise money from investors, by selling securities, and then transferring that money to people who need cash to start businesses, and buildings, run cities or bring other costly projects to reality There are many aspects of investment banking that muddy this fundamental purpose. But in the end, investment bankers simply find opportunities to unlock the value of companies or ideas, create businesses, or route money from being idle to having a productive purpose.

The role investment banking plays

Investment bankers get involved in the very early stages of funding a new project or endeavor. Investment bankers are typically contacted by people, companies, or governments who need cash to start businesses, expand factories, and build schools or bridges. Representatives from the investment banking operation then find investors or organizations like pension plans, mutual funds, and private investors who have more cash than they know what to do with (a nice problem to have) and who want a return for the use of their funds. Investment banks also offer advice regarding what investment securities should be bought or the ones an investor may want to buy.
One of the trickiest parts of understanding investment banking is that it’s typically a menu of financial services. Some investment banking operations may offer some services, but not others. One of the best ways to understand investment banks is to examine all the functions that some of the biggest investment banks perform. For example, Morgan Stanley, one of the world’s largest investment banks, has its hands in several key business areas, including the following: Capital raising: This part of the investment banking function helps companies and organizations generate money from investors. This is typically done by selling shares of stock or debt. Financial advisory: in this role, the investment banking operation is hired to help a company or government make decisions on managing their financial resources. Advice may pertain to whether to buy another company or sell off part of the business. A common business decision tackled by this type of investment banking is whether to acquire another company or divest a current product line. This is called mergers and acquisitions (M&A) advisory. Corporate lending: investment banks typically help companies and other large borrowers of securities to raise money. But large investment banks are also frequently involved in extending loans to their customers, often short-term loans (called bridge loans) to tide a company over while other transactions are in the works.
Sales and trading investment bankers are a creative and innovative lot, in the business of constructing financial instruments to be bought and sold. It is natural for investment bankers to also buy and sell stocks and other financial instruments either on behalf of their clients or using their own money. Brokerage services: Some investment banking operations include brokerage services where they may hold clients’ assets or help them conduct trades Research: Investment banks not only help large institutions sell securities to investors but also assist investors looking to buy securities. Many investment banks nun research units that advise investors on whether they should buy a particular investment. Investments: investment banks typically serve the role of an intermediary, sitting between entities that need money and those that have it. But periodically units of investment banking operations may invest their own money in promising companies or projects. This type of investment, often made in companies that don’t have investments that the public can buy, is called private equity. Investment banking operations at one firm may be engaged in some of the preceding activities, but not all. No rule demands investment banking operations must perform all the services described here. As investment firms grow, though, they often add functions so they’re more valuable to their clients and can serve as a common source for a variety of services.

What types of securities do investment banks sell?

The primary forms of financial instruments sold by investment banks include the following: Equity: Investment bankers help companies raise money by selling ownership stakes, or equity, in the company to outside investors. After the securities are sold by the investment bank, the owners are free to buy or sell them on the stock market. Equity is first sold as part of an equity offering called an initial public offering (IPO).
Debt capital: Some investors have no interest in owning a piece of the company, but they are more than willing to lend money to it, for a price. That’s the role of debt capital. Investment banks help companies borrow money by issuing bonds, or IOUs, that are sold to investors. The company must pay the prearranged rate of interest, but it doesn’t give up any ownership of the company. If a company falls into hard times, though, the owners of the debt have a higher claim to assets than do the equity owners if a liquidation of the company is necessary.
Hybrid securities: Most of what investment banks sell can be classified as either debt or equity. But some securities take on traits of both, or are an interesting spin on both. One example is preferred shares, which give investors an income stream that’s higher than what’s paid on regular equity. But preferred shares don’t come with as high a claim to assets as bonds, and this income stream can be suspended by the company if it chooses.

The services investment banks provide

Investment banks do much more than just raise capital by selling investments. Although selling securities to raise money is arguably the primary function of investment banks, they also serve several other roles. All the functions of investment banks typically fall into one of two primary categories: selling or buying.
The sell-side: Investment banks are best known for the part of their business that sells securities, or the sell side. This function of the investment bank is responsible for finding investors to buy the securities being sold, which raises the money needed by businesses and governments to grow and prosper.
The buy-side: Investment banks may also take the role of advising large investors who are interested in buying financial instruments. Serving in its role on the buy side, the investment bank can offer suggestions to large institutional investors like mutual funds, pension plans, or endowments on which securities may be appropriate for it to buy to meet return targets.

Investment Banking & ADIG

In the world of finance, Investment Banking is the bridge that connects financial opportunities with those seeking them. It shapes the way businesses grow, merge, and raise capital, while also contributing significantly to the global economy. Whether you are a corporation in need of capital, an investor looking for opportunities, or someone simply interested in the financial world, understanding investment banking is essential, for deeper information, please see the following:


In collaboration with the industry coverage and M&A groups, ADIG Capital Markets groups enable the company to serve customers holistically. ADIG’s Global Capital Markets (GCM) division responds with market judgment and ingenuity to clients’ needs worldwide. Our GCM team integrates the expertise in Sales & Trading & in Investment Banking, to offer clients seamless advice & sophisticated solutions whether you are executing an IPO, a debt offering, or a leveraged buyout. We also provide a comprehensive variety of services, from origination through structuring, executing, and syndicating placements addition to that, we originate, structure, and execute public and private placement of a variety of securities: equities, investment-grade and non-investment-grade debt, and related products too.


With the rapid change witnessed by the global economic system represented by the manifestations of globalization, the opening of markets, and so on, the competition has become intense between companies of different sizes and the nature of their activities, which often makes them face several existing or potential challenges and problems that may be an obstacle to achieving their goals which prompted it to implement merger and acquisition strategies to create a new, more advanced economic entity at the administrative, technical, and financial levels. In particular, merger and acquisition are two strategies that help companies and institutions to grow rapidly, increase size, and expand activity, through selling, buying, or dividing similar companies, or combining them to increase their ability to compete in the market, achieve profits, and attract investors. Merger and acquisition strategies have become a magic solution that brings many benefits to companies as follows: Rescue distressed companies threatened with bankruptcy. Opening new markets. Reducing operational costs, expanding into new markets, and increasing revenues and profits. Providing the opportunity to obtain financing from international banking institutions. Increase the company’s competitiveness. Unite efforts and achieve integration Contribute to improving the level of products and services provided The ability to face economic crises with the least possible losses. Providing liquidity to companies and allowing them to carry out various economic activities that contribute to increasing their competition in the market. Achieving diversification in investment and heading to different business fields Gain market share and try to create shareholder value.


We have dedicated & dynamic teams at ADIG that focus on the client’s distinct industry, advise clients operating in a wide range of industry and service sectors, and custom fit for what they want to accomplish now and in the long term. Furthermore, we are constantly expanding our activities to respond to the needs of growing multi-sector businesses which benefit from our agility and professional approach as an organization.


To transform today’s realities into tomorrow’s returns, particularly in today’s complex market where even seasoned investors face challenges to stay informed, monitor their investments, and respond to rapidly changing conditions. You need a partner who puts you first with a thorough understanding of you, your goals, and your potential. When you invest with us, your success is our passion. Our knowledge, your knowledge, An enduring partnership, underpinned by a deep responsibility. The ADIG team is constantly bringing you ideas that no one else can turn into compelling opportunities- we adapt them according to your needs. Cultivate a long-term partnership built on conviction, sustainable results, and shared success over time. For investors who want to free themselves from the need for constant monitoring of asset and portfolio allocation, our team provides access to professionals whose skills in risk profiling, institutional asset allocation, fund management selection, and investment policy development can help you navigate a constantly changing environment. Our asset management solutions: Customized to meet the needs of you and your business. Fee-based so advisors have a vested interest in their clients’ success. Strategic to reflect the dynamic nature of the market- and your life. ADIG offers a depth and breadth of investment capabilities covering all asset classes that broaden your choice for diversifying your portfolio, enabling asset allocation decisions to meet investment objectives.


Considering that ADIG is one of the largest and most experienced rating advisory teams in the UAE. Our multidisciplinary teams combine extensive structuring and execution experience with in-depth knowledge & understanding of your sector and your business, to support your short-to long-term goals and help you to achieve your most challenging objectives, by providing strategic and financial advice that’s tailored to your business. Product-agnostic advice to help drive value-enhancing decisions across all products, sectors, and markets. Developed solutions with various specialized product groups, taking into account each client’s tax, accounting, regulatory, and financial goals and concerns. Bank advisory solutions incorporating proprietary risk models and actionable solutions that satisfy reporting and capital requirements. Leading global expertise in sovereign credit positioning, targeted strategy building, and fiscal policy/ optimization. Authoring several well-received and widely disseminated reports on capital structure, market, and industry-specific issues.


The foundation of every deal and business relationship must be built on trust. Therefore, we, in investment banking capital at Abu Dhabi Investment Group, place this principle at the heart of our methodological philosophy to guide us in managing the work to build a sustainable relationship based on trust that ensures we maintain our competitive continuity. This is the cornerstone to which we devote all our attention to building constructive and long-term business relationships. We are keen on our strong commitment to our partners and customers at all stages of their economic cycles. We always see completing our deals with them as the beginning of a sustainable relationship based on their trust in us to obtain real value. The value creation of capital in Abu Dhabi Investment Group is not limited to merely providing services but extends beyond that in its ability to provide investors with an accurate and comprehensive vision that supports the decision-making process on a long-term basis while providing them with rapid support at all times in a way that represents... Investors’ interests generate accurate strategic solutions that are consistent with their needs and serve their business objectives in general. Therefore, there is no time for financial adversity to truly build confidence.